The sustainability of the scholarship program is dependent on individual donations and corporate sponsorships. Explore all of the ways to give to the Planning Student Trust Fund on our Support Page. Donors can calculate their charitable tax credit through CanadaHelps.
Donations are tax-deductible and donors may direct their contributions to the:
General Fund (e.g. CIP-PSTF Excellence in Planning Research Scholarship)
College of Fellows Undergraduate Bursary
Glenn Tunnock Climate Change Action Scholarship
David Palubeski Bursary
CIP Diversity Impact Bursary
Donate now through the form below
To donate by cheque, please mail your cheque payable to “CIP/ICU Planning Student Trust Fund” to:
CIP/ICU Planning Student Trust Fund
141 Laurier Ave West, Suite 401
Ottawa ON K1P 5J3
Please note which fund (scholarship or bursary) you wish to donate to in the memo line.
When you partner with the CIP/ICU Planning Student Trust Fund (CIP-PSTF), you are partnering with Canada’s only national charity dedicated to advancing excellence in the planning profession by supporting the education of future planners.
Through your investment in CIP-PSTF, you can:
Make a direct impact on worthy students’ education and future careers
Promote excellence and charitable-giving within your organization
Enhance your corporate image